
Destruction Videos


Anonymous said...

Holy crap, you've done lost your mind Bobby. Actually I kinda like it. You need to use more firearms in the destruction process. Way cooler.

PS- When you gonna get that Duck's Ass cut off the back of your head??

Anonymous said...

I like your concept. In selling anything you need to create a sense of urgency otherwise people get time to think about it and decide to spend their money on some other priority. I have an idea. How about painting historic buildings in danger of demolition. It could help people comprehend the urgency of the situation. For example paint the Kingsley True House on East Genesee Street before they tear it down or the South Presbyterian Church on South Salina Street. I'd bid on those paintings. I'm sure others would as well. I can help with the concept if you wish. I may have other jobs for you as well. Like the Carleton Island Villa. See www.HistoricSyracuseChurch.com and www.CarletonIslandVilla.com
E-mail me if you have an interest in discussing it. Mike.Franklin@SothebysRealty.com

Anonymous said...

Heh, bet you can figure out who this is. I wondered where you went. This looks like an awesome thing to get you started, I knew you'd eventualy be able to pull of being a full-time artist, I know you've always wanted to. You continue to be my idol artwise, so keep up the good work, and good luck!

Anonymous said...

Are you the Rob D'Agostino who taught an evening adult education class on potraits at OCC a few years ago.

If you are I am one of your students from that class. I would like to thank you so much. I learned alot from you. I never thought I would be able to create portraits that people would actually pay for. Last year I sold 5 in a month.

But its not even the money it is seeing the look on peoples faces and knowing they love the work I do that is so rewarding.

Thanks, I would never be able to do that if I had not taken classes from you. You are a great artist and an awesome teacher.

Good luck to you.

Gloria Jean

Anonymous said...

Damn, pretty interesting topic. How will I get your RSS?

Sara Karver
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