

Eric is a friend of mine and was a weapons specialist in the Marine Corps. He is an artist and is currently engaged in battle, a fierce battle with himself as he struggles to develop and improve his drawing and painting skills. Eric has agreed to use an "unsaved" study for target practice. I hope it doesn't come to this- Eric is a very good shot.


Mick said...

Another great study, Rob. Plus, more guns, art and ammo! :D

Elegia said...

"Eric is good shot ;-))"

That's true! You are amazingly good. I like your style. I would say more, but I'm scared I don't understand everything right (because my main language isn't English).

Save My Studies said...

Thanks Mick, I may have to start customizing my buiness cards with bullet holes.
Thanks Elegia, Your words are very clear and I appreciate them.

ElizT said...

These are all so accomplished that it is depressing; wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I really really hope I don't have to shoot anything...

Works of art that stand on their own.. and you don't have to be some board member with a resemblance to enjoy these..

Anonymous said...

You're very inspiring, Robert! Great work.