
Palace Dave

Dave is a "Jack Of Many Trades" among them, promoter of the arts- music, film, performance, etc. He earned his title "Palace Dave" for his work on the Palace Theater renovation. I hope this study is not destroyed.


Mick said...

A terrific study here, Rob. I bid $1,000,000 over at eBay but, somehow it never registered ... I'm so upset over it that I'm currently forced to boycott the place! Well, can't stay to chat longer, I have to sign up for that YouTube account! :D

Save My Studies said...

I let them know and your the winning bidder- CONGRATULATIONS! I'll give you your cut as soon as it shows up in my paypal account. It was 20%, right?

imwithsully said...

This is a great piece of work! Your use of color is exquisite.

Trijnie said...

I am impressed

hpy said...

I wish I could draw as well as you, but it's hopeless.